Soul Alchemist Academy

Liminal Learning for Modern Mystics & Psychopomps

Over the past 30 years of teaching, Tiffany has crafted and developed over 300 hours of course material, offered through several educational programs including Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training‘s Esoteric Studies Program and The Hive and Grove‘s Spiritual Language of the Divine and The Curious Bee Workshop Series. Key material from previous courses and her books have been crafted into curriculum for a unique online learning opportunity.

Threefold Path of the Soul Alchemist Academy

Supporting individuals seeking courageous transformation in relationship to Self.
Empowering practitioners to weave the art of transmutation into existing practice.
Guiding compassionate souls in the task of supporting sacred transition of others.

The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing ​Through the Wheel of the Year

Empowerment Path

Divine Language of Archetype and Symbol

In depth teaching from The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year. Ideal for those seeking sure steps and guidance on the healing path.

Mondays, starting October 7, 2024

The Noble Art: From Shadow to Essence ​Through the Wheel of the Year

Enlightenment Path

Transformative Ritual and Alchemical Energy Healing

In depth teaching from The Noble Art: From Shadow to Essence Through the Wheel of the Year. Ideal for those interested in a comprehensive, holistic approach to Energy Healing that embraces both the Above and the Below.

Tuesdays, starting January 28, 2025

Liminal Path

Entering the Mystery and
Psychopomp Work

In depth teachings from Psychopomps and the Soul: Traversing Death and Life for Healing and Wholeness . Ideal for those interested in compassionate work of Soul Companion in challenging times.

Tuesdays, starting October 1, 2024

Other Course Offerings

Drawing Down Divine

A Creative, Meditative Soul Pilgrimage

Immerse yourself in the language of your soul with a 24 guided journeys to the deepest reaches of your Inner Landscape.

Classes 1 – 11, Weekly Wednesdays from September 20 – December 20, 2023, Classes 12 – 24, Alternate Thursdays from January 11 – June 20, 2024

Seeking Sacred Source

Seeking Sacred Source

A Creative, Meditative Soul Pilgrimage

A meditative journey to explore the gateways and thresholds to the deepest truth of the Self through art, symbol, oracles, and collage.

Next session starts September 2024

“With Transmutation, we know unquestionably that we are not defined by circumstances and thus can open to life without fear. Engagement brings the process of alchemical Transmutation full circle as is illustrated in the stage the “hero’s journey” named “Return to the Ordinary World”. And it holds an eternal gift: the wisdom to know that who you are is not a destination; that life is not a problem to be solved; that detachment is not necessarily the ultimate response; and that the sooner one releases the concept of “healed” as a final goal to be achieved the better off one will be.”

~ Tiffany Lazic, The Noble Art

All images found within the Academy pages, except for images for the course paths and blog posts, are the work of Esther Sanchez.
Find out more about her work at

Your monthly contribution supports our beautiful sangha, its in-depth dharma teachings, supports our in-depth programming and livelihoods of our teachers and supports our teachers and community, while giving assistance for those with financial difficulty.

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