The Empowerment Path

The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing ​Through the Wheel of the Year

Divine Language of Archetype and Symbol

In depth teaching from The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year. Ideal for those seeking sure steps and guidance on the healing path.

22 classes of 3 hours each (66 hours)

Register for All Three Courses​​

Empowerment Path Courses

The Spiritual Language of Symbols

18 hours over 6 classes

Spirit always communicates through symbol. Not in obvious evidence but in subtle, often multi-layered meaning. One of the biggest challenges for seekers and healers alike is how to interpret the messages and omens sent. Though focusing on inner guidance for interpretation can give a degree of insight, there is a long history of tradition that provides an incredible depth to working with symbol, laying a solid foundation upon which to build and inviting rich fluency in personal interpretation.

Symbols, Signs, and Omens
Archetypal Systems
Healing Tales, Myths, and Folk Stories
Dream Healing
Crafting Personal Lore

Course Start Date: TBA
Course Cost: £130

Register for This Course​​

The Quest and the Soul’s Journey

21 hours over 7 classes

History is abundant with variations on the tale of the heroic journey. The stages necessary to move from the clouds of unknowing to the clarity of brilliant self-understanding. Not only do these markers along the path indicate the way to self-knowledge, many traditions reflect these paths hold the key to manifestation itself, in all its forms. Explore the history and varied paths of the sacred journey to Self.

The Alchemist’s Crucible
Alchemical Stages of Healing
Mythic Themes in the Hero’s Journey
Mythic Themes in the Hera’s Journey
Pathworking with the Chakras
Pathworking with the Qabala
Charting the Inner Journey

Course Start Date: TBA
Course Cost: £150

Register for This Course​​

Cultivation of Divine Connection

27 hours over 9 classes

Using intuitive tools to connect with the Divine is a practice that goes back thousands of years and touches every country in the world. The intent for Divine connection may be common ground to diverse cultures, but the oracular form shifts and changes as one travels around the globe. As done by those intrepid “Around the World in 80 Days” adventurers, we will climb into our ‘hot air balloon’ and set off to explore many lands and their specific, unique intuitive tools. Working with varied forms of guidance is also presented.

I Ching
Tasseomancy, Scrying, Channelling
The Major Arcana of the Tarot
The Minor Arcana of the Tarot
The Courts of the Tarot
Playing with a Full Deck
Communing with Spirit

Course Start Date: TBA
Course Cost: £200

Register for This Course​​

Task for Empowerment Path:
Crafting a Personal Narrative

Drawing on the information presented in all the classes, craft your own hero/hera narrative including leaving the ordinary world, guides, archetypal characters met and significant messages from the Divine received along the way. Explore and embrace the mythic aspects of your life.

If you are taking these courses for your own enjoyment or exploration, you may choose to complete the Task or not, as you feel called. If you are taking these courses for professional development or with the ultimate eye to working in the capacity of a Modern Psychopomp, the Task is a requirement of the process. 

“When we are armed with the knowledge of the strengths we have at our disposal and the wisdom that comes from looking at what was gained through all our experiences, the human journey is truly a rewarding and fulfilling one. When we have plumbed our own depths to excavate the truth of our hearts and souls, there is nothing on this earth that can shake us. Doing this work is arguably the most important work we can do. This is The Great Work.”

~ Tiffany Lazic, The Great Work

All images found within the Academy pages, except for images for the course paths and blog posts, are the work of Esther Sanchez.
Find out more about her work at

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