The Liminal Path

Entering the Mystery and Psychopomp Work
In depth teachings on how to traverse and support others through the dark forest and deep valleys. Ideal for those interested in compassionate work of Soul Companion in challenging times.
13 classes of 3 hours each (39 hours)
Register for All Three Courses
Liminal Path Courses

The Wisdom of the Past
9 hours over 3 classes
The past is rich with traditions and teachings that strove to penetrate the deepest mysteries of life. Esoteric and arcane wisdom sought to pierce the veil of the unknowable, particularly the greatest of mysteries – what happens when we die. This course presents the major ancient Mystery Schools and their key salient ideas and philosophies regarding the nature of life, death, and the reality of existence.
Ancient Mystery Schools and Their Teachings
Cross-cultural Books of the Dead
Rituals and Traditions for Caring for the Dead
Course Start Date: October 1, 2024, 10 AM – 1 PM EST
Course Cost: £70
Register for This Course

The Wisdom of the Dark
21 hours over 7 classes
If the Mystery Schools and their texts set out to explore the nature of the unknown and the dark shadowy places that sit at the edges of conscious awareness, a significant part of the wisdom they imparted was how to navigate the potentially treacherous transitions between the realms of ordinary and non-ordinary consciousness. Coupling ancient wisdom with modern psychotherapeutic theory, this course presents the core soul tasks at times of transformation and release, including trauma and grief.
Dark Nights of the Soul
Addiction and Spirituality
The Darkness of Difficult Emotions
The Dark Fortress of Defenses and Masks
Dark Journey Through the Chakras
The Power of the Shame Narrative
Transformation and Transmutation
Course Start Date: October 29, 2024, 10 AM – 1 PM EST
Course Cost: £150
Register for This Course

Becoming a Modern Psychopomp
9 hours over 3 classes
The ancient Greeks referred to those unique beings who served as the guides of souls from the realm of the living to that of the Otherworldly as Psychopomps. Not limited to the Greeks, most cultures around the world had one or many of these gods, goddesses, and daemons to help newly dead souls traverse the in-between places. This course offers a toolkit for the modern Psychopomp to provide the key concepts, techniques, and equipment to facilitate holding safe and sacred space for those in transition, whether that be through the dark of a tough time, through the dark of a significant life change or the contemplation of the final end.
Meeting the Cross-cultural Psychopomps
Providing Presence in Troubled Times
Tools of Spiritual Direction
Course Start Date: January 7. 2025, 10 AM – 1 PM EST
Course Cost: £70
Register for This Course

Task for Liminal Path:
Crafting a psychopomp ritual including a personal eulogy
Drawing on the information presented in all the classes, craft a ritual that honours a significant ending in your life – this could be the imagining of your own transition into death – including a eulogy or other soul-inspired testimonial-type writing. For those taking the entire Liminal Path Course.
“Such times – like the Void, the Bardo, the Unknown – can be met with fear, oppression, and the need to control. Or they can be met with strength and patience, understanding and courage. Such times are uncomfortable, at times devastating, but they do have the potential to move us through the void of uncertainty into the birth of new possibility, inviting us to revive, to come back to full life. They do have the potential to be the excruciating labor pains of a future we can dare to dream possible.”
~ Tiffany Lazic, The Noble Art
All images found within the Academy pages, except for images for the course paths and blog posts, are the work of Esther Sanchez.
Find out more about her work at