Seeking Sacred Source
A Creative, Meditative Soul Pilgrimage
Similar to each week’s inner exploration in Drawing Down Divine, Seeking Sacred Source invites the tracing of your own personal Inner Landscape, but with a different focus. Drawing Down Divine activates the aspect of the Alchemical Axion that reflects “as above, so below”, seeking the larger patterns reflected in personal experience and reawakening the self-experience as Divine Spirit manifest on Earth. Seeking Sacred Source activates “as within, so without”. Inspired by the ancient and eternal journey of Osiris as laid out in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, this Soul Pilgrimage invites the tempering of one’s Inner Truth into the irreducable Philosopher’s Stone through the repetition of Alchemical Distillation. For each of 12 “hours” in the journey, meet the challenge that awaits at each portal, meet the Divine Feminine who offers the wisdom, and find the courage within to shift from limintation to victory, moving ever so steadily towards your own New Dawn.
Embark on the quest through the Great Mystery to your own Sacred Source.
Class 1: The First Hour: Challenge (Crossing the Threshold into the Unknown)
Class 2: The First Hour: Passage (Goddess: She who Smashes)
Class 3: The Second Hour: Challenge (Entering the Unknown Waters)
Class 4: The Second Hour: Passage (Goddess: Wise One Who Protects)
Class 5: The Third Hour: Challenge (Encountering Other Boats on the Waters)
Class 6: The Third Hour: Passage (Goddess: She Who Cuts the Cord)
Class 7: The Fourth Hour: Challenge (Meeting the Legged and Winged Snakes)
Class 8: The Fourth Hour: Passage (Goddess: She Who Is Great in Her Power)
Class 9: The Fifth Hour: Challenge (The Confrontation of the Birds)
Class 10: The Fifth Hour: Passage (Goddess: She Who Guides)
Class 11: The Sixth Hour: Challenge (Encountering the Scarab)
Class 12: The Sixth Hour: Passage (Goddess: Lady of the True Sanctuary)
Class 13: The Seventh Hour: Challenge (The Judgement of Apophis)
Class 14: The Seventh Hour: Passage (Goddess: Repelling the Evil One)
Class 15: The Eight Hour: Challenge (Sun God Clothes)
Class 16: The Eight Hour: Passage (Goddess: Mistress of the Dark Night)
Class 17: The Ninth Hour: Challenge (Distance from Those Who Would Judge)
Class 18: The Ninth Hour: Passage (Goddess: She Who Adores and Protects)
Class 19: The Tenth Hour: Challenge (The Lake of the Drowned)
Class 20: The Tenth Hour: Passage (Goddess: The Furious One)
Class 21: The Eleventh Hour: Challenge (The Opening of the Cavern)
Class 22: The Eleventh Hour: Passage (Goddess: The Starry One)
Class 23: The Twelth Hour: Challenge (The Rebirth of the Sun)
Class 24: The Twelth Hour: Passage (Goddess: Beholding the Perfection)
Workbook pages with be distributed in each class for the creation of your own personal workbook.

Next offering starts September 2024
Cost: £400